New Zealand UFO
I have had the following photograph in my files since 1971. The photo was given to me by a journalist who was reporting the UFO "flap" in the Sydney suburb of Ryde in that year. He wrote an interesting artical in a Parramatta local newspaper.
This photograph was taken by a now unknown person over Epson in the South Island of New Zealand in 1965. It is only now, while testing computer enhancing software, that I have been able to do something with the photo.
I am not sure if the photo was taken from an aircraft or at ground level. But the image shows a disc shape object with an interesting profile. The photograph is not in good condition. It is covered in surface cracks due to the ageing of the photographic surface of the paper, and has a few wrinkles from ' wear and tear '.
Despite this, it is still a good photograph of a UFO. Download the original if you like and try enhancing it with the software that you may have.
Original Photo.
nzufo1.gif Scanned at 1200 dpi.
Notice the poor surface quality. But the image has good contrast although the object is very bright.

Photo (2).
File name:nzufo1a.gif
Using photo enhancing software, the quartertones were adjusted to cut down the overall 'glare' of the object. The shape of the actual object can now be seen.

Photo (3).
File name: nzufo1b.gif
Cropped, contrast and gamma corrected. A clearer view of the object is now visible. All of the 'glare' has been removed to reveal the best possible view of the sorce of the light. Notice the emphesised markings caused by the crazing of the aging photo. Wrinkles also prominent.

Photo (4).
File name: nzufo1c.gif
The craze markings have been repaired by touch-up.
Close magnified examination of the original showed that the darker marks were defects in the photo. The original outline was not altered. The darker area (top left of the object) does not seem to be a defect on the original, so was not fully coved over. May be a shadow on the object itself.
Copyright © Barry Taylor 1996 All rights reserved.